About IMCJ (International Mindfulness Center Japan)


International Mindfulness Center Japan was established in order to disseminate evidence-based mindfulness in Japan.

We are offering 8 week programs (MBSR, MBCT, MBCL). We started the first MBSR teacher training program in Japan, in April 2020, in collaboration with the Institute for Mindfulness Based Approaches in Germany. In addition, we are creating the opportunity where people in Japan can reach experienced mindfulness teachers and researchers worldwide through the practice group and webinars so that mindfulness can be introduced appropriately to Japan.

Management Team


Kiyoko Inoue, MBCT Certified Teacher (UCSD) & MBCL Certified Teacher

MBCT Certified Teacher (University of California, San Diego)
MBCL Certified Teacher (Erik van den Brink & Frits Koster)
Paws b Qualified Teacher (Mindfulness in School Project)


Teaching & Administrative Director

Greetings from Kiyoko Inoue

While I have been practising mindfulness and compassion, I had a chance to establish International Mindfulness Center Japan to convey mindfulness to people in Japan.

I have been teaching MBCT and MBCL, which I studied.

On top of that, we are offering MBSR and going to hold teacher training of MBSR in collaboration with the Institute for Mindfulness Based Approaches.

I have been thinking of creating a place where mindfulness teachers can continue to learn mindfulness and people can connect with each other from all over Japan online. Thanks to the support from many experienced teachers whom I met while I was learning mindfulness, we are now moving forward.


Training in or related to (alphabetical order):


  • 8 week programs
    • MBCT for Depression
    • MBCT for Life
    • MBSR
    • MBCL (Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living)
    • Breathworks
    • MBCT Taking It Further
    • MBCT for Cancer
    • Deeper Mindfulness
    • Mindful Eating
  • Teacher Training of MBSR and MBCT in in collaboration with the Institute for Mindfulness Based Approaches in Germany.
  • Practice Group (for members: Guest Teachers in the past)
    • Amir Imani
    • Erik van den Brink
    • Linda Lehrhaupt
    • Andrea Grabovac
    • René Slikker
    • Frits Koster
    • Riët Aarsse
    • Bernd Langohr
    • Ted Messier
    • Wolfgang Schröder
    • Cathy Ziengs
  • Webinar (Guest speakers)
    • Amir Imani (17th May 2020)
    • Andrea Grabovac (2nd July 2020)
    • Rene Slikker (1st August 2020)
    • Fairouz Vergnes, Tison Francois (4th September 2020)
    • Frits Koster (23rd October 2020)
    • Zindel Segal (21st February 2021)
    • Liz Lord (1st April 2021)
    • Trish Bartley (1st April 2021)
    • Vidyamala Burch (26th August 2021)
    • David Treleavern (28th October & 5th December 2021)
    • Fabrizio Didonna (3rd March 2022)
    • David Treleaven (3rd April & 23rd October 2022)
    • Martine Batchelor (21st April & 26th May 2022)
    • Masahiro Fujino (30th Jun 2022)
    • Willem Kuyken (18th August 2022)
    • Eric B. Loucks (10th November 2022)
    • Alison Evans (3rd February & 6th April 2023)
    • Zindel Segal (3rd August 2023)
    • Frits Koster (19th October 2023)
    • Mark Williams (7th December 2023)
    • Linda Lehrhaupt (15th February 2024)
    • David Treleaven (7th April 2024)
    • Trish Bartley (4th July 2024)
  • Interview
  • Mindfulness Teachers Network Japan
  • Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Japan (cooperated with David Treleaven)